Come, Follow Me for Primary 2021 March Week 4 Doctrine and Covenants 29 “Jesus Christ Will Gather His People” Printable Lesson Materials

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Click on the above buttons to download the lesson packet. These are large files so please be patient when downloading. 

The JPGS are a great option if you'd like to send an activity to your classes during this time of home church. The JPGs will be individual files, instead of all in one like the PDFs packets. (The JPG download is a zip file that will automatically download to your computer. Please look in your "downloads" folder if you can't find it. You will need to "unzip" the file to access the printables. Zip files do not work on mobile devices without an app to open them. Please check the app store for options.)


Instructions for during the pandemic:

This packet is divided into two sections: Younger Children and Older Children. It follows the same outline as the manual. Feel free to pick and choose what will work for the children you are teaching. During this time of not being able to have Primary at the church building, we are now including two sets of instructions for each activity:  REMOTE LEARNING and HOME CENTERED.

Our REMOTE LEARNING instructions will help you if you are a teacher and want to continue to minister to those you have been called to teach. Some ideas will include dropping off or emailing an activity with instructions, or it will include ideas on how to use that activity over an online conference meeting. We have also included Lesson Cards/Coloring Pages at the end of this packet. NEW FOR 2021: We are now including a monthly postcard and coloring page! These can be used to write your testimony/instructions/encouragement to the children you teach. This is a simple but effective tool to give to the children through email, text, or door drop off, along with any other activities from the packet that you’d like!

Our HOME CENTERED instructions include ideas on how to use each activity at home with your family. You can use these ideas along with the Come, Follow Me - For Individuals and Families manual. Or you could have a “Primary” class at home on Sundays with your children.


We are allowing our subscribers to share anything they need from our packets with their own families and/or primaries. We just ask that if our name isn't already on a printable you share, please reference Love Pray Teach somewhere so others will know where they can go to get more!